Vulture Reviews: Luca

Welcome back to Vulture Reviews. It seems for the latest Pixar movie; they have decided to take us to relaxing vacation to Italy! Just like with most films from this studio, I was looking forward to this film quite a lot! The trailers looked like something both simple and unique in an interesting way. With it now out, all that we can really do is see if it lives up to the hype. Shall we begin?


Positives-For starters, the animation is REALLY nice. I know that's to be expected from Pixar, but this really is a nice-looking film. The characters have this style to their designs that has a nice balance of cartoony and realistic. Portorosso isn't all that creative of a setting since it's just a simple town, but that's the point to help with the wholesome feel the movie is going for. It gives off the feeling of something from Studio Ghibli. Though what I'd consider to be the best part of the animation is when a sea monster would turn human and vice versa. You can see every individual scale turn into skin or hair.


The main reason this movie works is because of how likeable the characters are. Luca himself isn't all that interesting since he's a typical "dream of the bigger world" character, but the way he would interact with the other characters and the type of decisions he has to make help him to be an endearing protagonist. Alberto is my favorite character of the movie with how he works off of everyone else and the struggles he faces feel natural and well-built to. Giulia is also an enjoyable ally with her upbeat spunky personality. I also want to mention Giulia’s dad, Massimo. Since I find him to be good portrayal of people with disabilities.


Negatives-If there was one thing that keeps me from loving this movie as much as everyone else, it's this. The movie can get REALLY predictable at times since it's filled with cliches. I already mentioned the bigger world trope, but there is also the third act breakup, the overprotective parents searching for their kid, and the missing parent. Even if this movie executes these cliches better than other movies would, it still just takes me out of the experience. If there’s another thing that doesn’t work for me about this movie, it’s the villain, Ercole. Yes it’s nice to have a Disney villain that isn’t a twist, but I just find him to be insanely forgettable since he has nothing to him outside the typical bully. He’s not funny or memorable in any way.


Overall-Luca is FAR from one of Pixar's best due to a cliched and predictable plot and weak villain, but it is still able stand decently well on it's own thanks to a nice feel, beautiful and unique animation, and pretty likeable characters. If you go into this expecting an emotional Pixar masterpiece, you'll be let down. If you go in just wanting something simple, relaxing and wholesome, I'm sure you'll like it.



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